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"This year's Ecpe Awards honor 30 Burlington students for exemplary work in their English classrooms." Students in the English department at Burlington High School have been honored with an award for exceptional work this year, they are part of the 2017-2018 Ecpe Award winners. The annual awards are given to students who have scored high on standardized tests or have excelled academically. The award ceremony is being held this evening in Room 1124 at Burlington High School after being postponed due to inclement weather earlier. Students will be recognized by Mrs. Rose Bianchi, assistant principal of the school, who will introduce each winner with a brief speech about their accomplishments and what sets them apart from other students. Students will be awarded $100, a plaque and a framed photo of their accomplishment. The award starts at 5:30 p.m. for those coming from outside Mount Holly and is at 4:45 p.m. for those coming from inside the city limits, The awards ceremony begins on Friday, March 9th at 7:00 p.m., in Room 1124, Burlington High School, 130 E. Chichester Street in Burlington, Vermont Vermont State Board of Education member Duane Anderson is receiving an Ecpe Award from the Vermont School Boards Association this week for his work as a school board member from 2007-2017. He received the award by the association's president, Janet Meng, at their spring meeting in March. The association has presented an award to Anderson for his service on individual individual school boards. Anderson was appointed to the Chittenden County Board of Education in 2005; he was first elected Vice President of that board in 2008 and then President of the board in 2009. He was reelected President of the board again this year. "When I first got elected, I knew nothing about Burlington High School or anything about school boards," Anderson said. "I asked what I needed to do, and everyone said you need to be involved. So I started going to board meetings and looking more into what was going on at the school. That's when it became a passion." On Friday April 7, 2018 around 50 students from around Chittenden County competed in the annual Ecpe awards ceremony at Burlington High School. Three of those students came from Mount Mansfield Union High School; Kathleen Wing (senior), Sonali Dakwale (junior), and Julia Jutras (sophomore).  Wing and Dakwale were awarded the gold award while Jutras earned a silver award. The Ecpe is an award that honors high school English students for getting superior scores on the English Language Arts test. Ecpe stands for excellence in communication and performance. Students taking the Ecpe test are given a text, and must answer questions about it, as well as write original work.  The entire test is three hours long. During those three hours, students must read the text and then answer questions about what they read with short essays or short writing assignments. Scholarships for college can be offered to students who achieve high scores on this test, but gold winners automatically receive an award of $1,000 dollars for their accomplishments.  The awards were established by the Vermont chapter of the National Communication Association (NCA). cfa1e77820

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